Hi everyone! In this week’s video tutorial, we’re making a tiny gable box that looks like a gingerbread house! These are the perfect size for small gifts such as gift cards, jewelry, candy, and more.
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I’ve always liked gingerbread houses (if you’ve seen a few of my Christmas tutorials like my Simple Paper Gingerbread House Tutorial, Gingerbread House Snow Globe Tutorial, or my Halloween Paper Gingerbread House Tutorial I didn’t have to tell you that! 🙂 ) For this project, I thought a gable box might be the perfect shape to turn into a gingerbread house, and I think it worked really well.
Because this project involves an X-Acto knife, please ask someone to supervise if you are young 🙂
Difficulty: Easy
Time needed: ~1 hour
- Kraft card stock paper (works great and is already gingerbread colored!)
- White gel pen
- Fine white glitter
- X-Acto knife
- Score tool
- Scissors
- Pencil
Click here to view & print the patterns:

Merry Christmas!
Let me know if you have questions 🙂