Mini Greeting Card & Envelope Tutorial

New tutorial! This week we’re making these adorable miniature cards and envelopes!

These can be made into pop-up cards, birthday cards, and more. These are the perfect size to give along with a flower arrangement or to anyone who loves miniature things!

You can, of course, make any kind of card, but in this video, I show ideas for a birthday card, pop-up card, and valentine.


Click here to view & print the patterns:

mini cards envelopes pattern


Time needed: ~30 minutes

Difficulty: Easy


  • Paper, here is the patterned paper I used
  • Something to score with, I used this
  • glue stick or other
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • markers or pens to decorate, if you’d like


This post originally appeared on my old blog, Pugdemonium.


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